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MBT-C refers to Mentalization based treatment for children.

MBT-C is a transdiagnostic treatment for children 5-12 and their parents. The treatment was developed for children aged 5-12 years old who present with a wide range of difficulties including externalizing or internalizing difficulties, including anxiety, depression or behavioural problems. MBT-C may also be suitable for children with attachment difficulties and traumatic experiences or children who have experienced loss.

This book provides a clinically focused introduction to a time-limited approach of MBT with children. Chapters address assessment of the core problem, case formulation, the therapist’s stance, as well as treatment termination. The guide also includes a chapter-length case illustration and an appendix that lists measures of reflective functioning in children and parents, as well as validation articles for these measures.

The aim of MBT-C is to facilitate children’s emotion regulation and resilience by helping them develop their core capacities of mentalizing about self, others, and their relationships. In addition, children are helped to develop mentalizing and understanding of their personal and interpersonal difficulties so that they develop the mental skills to navigate these challenges successfully at home and at school. As such, mentalizing strengthens the child’s sense of self and provides them with the skills necessary to respond more adaptively in their zones of difficulty. Work with parents is considered an integral part of MBT-C; parents are helped to develop their psychological mindedness and understanding of their child and their difficulties, so that they can respond more flexibly to behaviours in terms of what this communicates about underlying feelings. As such it strengthens communication and attachment relationships.